Ready to Roll: a New Mode of Education
Ready to Roll: a New Mode of Education April 5, 2022 Emily Klooster Lebanon With your help, refugee children in...
Our goals:
In today’s world, most students use technology, and refugee students especially need access to tools that will help them catch up to their peers after missed schooling due to displacement.
Alongside its ministry partner Comprenew, TSI works abroad and in the U.S. to equip students with devices through its LEAP program, offering free or discounted technology to refugee and former-refugee students and their families. LEAP devices are widely used for job training, English courses, after-school programming, and homework.
Internationally, TSI depends on U.S.-based partners that can hand deliver technology to other nations. One example is House of Ruth, an organization serving Syrian students in Madaba, Jordan. A recipient of six LEAP devices to-date, this ministry equips up to 45 kids ages eight to 13 each week through after-school tutoring in English and computer skills. Salah Assad, a representative for House of Ruth, has helped transport laptops from the U.S. to Jordan several times this past year.
“We’ve started new English and computer classes in a village in the north of Jordan serving 23 more kids in partnership with a local center,” said Assad. “We recently completed a month-long computer class in cooperation with the local church, helping them reach out to their community and share the love of God.” •
House of Ruth in Madaba, Jordan
Ready to Roll: a New Mode of Education April 5, 2022 Emily Klooster Lebanon With your help, refugee children in...